

Kalau memang mengenal lelaki, jatuh hati padanya dengan perlahan, lalu ditinggalkan tanpa kabar atau alasan yang jelas, membuatmu merasa breakdown, katakan.

Jangan denial, lalu menjadi tidak produktif dan tidak bisa berfikir apapun.

Sedih, kan?

I know you’re feeling worst right now, questioning yourself whether the problem is you are beautiful or not, you feel you are thinner or not, you feel so bad about your body, your face and everything is less in your appearance, and you feel so exhausted to work on it right now, feel it. 

I’m so tired.

Growing up is hard, indeed.

Being validated and measured for every inch inside you, it is so exhausted.

I just can’t handle it. right now.

i wanna stop tinder’

but i need it

but i hate it

i dont have any energy left to meet new person

i just





in there